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Encrypted International Investment Law


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Encrypted International Investment Law

University of Sherbrooke Faculty of Law, Room A8-122

This seminar will be presented by Mr. Enrique Alberto Prieto Rios professor at the Universidad del Rosario.

** This seminar will be presented in english **

This seminar explores the relationship that exists between the encryption of the legal discourse employed by the International Investment Law (IIL) system and the relations of power between the host state, the home state and Multinational Corporations that act as foreign investors. Accordingly, this paper argues that the encryption of the IIL discourse contributes to maintain patterns of hierarchy and domination that began in colonial times and which continues happening in present times. In this way, the investment discourse becomes an intelligible but authoritative body of knowledge that facilitates forms of monopoly of knowledge contributing to maintain unbalanced relationships of power.

Le discours crypté du droit international de l'investissement AFFICHE-2-1.png